As an increasing number of business activities move online, including advertising. selling, recruiting staff, communicating with customers and suppliers or even carrying out financial transactions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that no one is trying to steal your company’s data or disrupt your activities.

  • Read also:  Quebec Bill 64: are you ready?

Although not all cyberattacks can be prevented, it is your company’s responsibility to take precautionary measures. Here are 8 cybersecurity best practices:

  1. Educate and train all your employees according to the needs of your business.
  2. Periodically back up all data, not only to the cloud, but also to a local hard drive.
  3. Adopt a policy to determine who can access what information and under what circumstances.
  4. Consider cyber insurance to protect your business.
  5. Develop an incident response plan.
  6. Use strong authentication. The vast majority of data breaches are due to lost, stolen or weak passwords.
  7. Install an antivirus and keep it up to date.
  8. Enable automatic updates for all your software.

Did you know that…

Are your websites, databases and emails governed by the laws of the country where the servers hosting you are located? Servers in Canada fall under the Canadian legal system while servers in the United States, for example, fall under the American legal system. Canada has one of the strictest laws when it comes to your online privacy rights, which provides better data protection than our neighbors to the south.

Do not hesitate to  contact us  to learn more about our  Canadian web hosting service  or to obtain training on cybersecurity 101 for your company.

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